Healing Staff
White pine was used to carve this staff and it is just over 4'8" in height.  The idea behind this staff is to ward off evil spirits, remove negative energy and to promote healing.
The teeth of the power animals and snakes are made out of real bone which have been carved into fanged tooth shape and are very sharp.  The eyes are actual zirconias and are either red or white in colour.  Duck feathers are tied on with leather and beads.
The power animals in the top two pictures include bear, jaguar, wolf, hawk and dolphin.  The section below contains the proverbial snakes which represent the kundalini energy.  These snakes curled around the staff are also a recognized healing symbol as is used by the medical profession.
You can see the snakes and feathers in the top of this photo.  Next is a carved shape which is repeated and continued all the way to the bottom ~ in each section of green are different symbols to help with the healing and add protection and each green section contains different symbols.
This section includes alternating colours and shapes of black and green which has symbols carved into them.  During this lifetime I have been given several symbols by my spirit guides ~ some are to use for protection and some are for healings.